Partnership Options

As a corporate partner you will benefit from curated, direct access to global executives across 330 centers worldwide; connections with local trade and investment leaders; access to programs designed to build your knowledge, network, and brand visibility.  All Corporate Partnerships are paid to our WTC Atlanta Educational Foundation 501(c)3 and are now 100% TAX DEDUCTIBLE.



Designed to give organizations maximum digital exposure and traffic, event attendance and participation, and community visibility and reach for ongoing marketing and business development efforts and employee participation.

Platinum Partner Features

Designed to give organizations maximum digital exposure and traffic, event attendance and participation, and community visibility and reach for ongoing marketing and business development efforts and employee participation.

  1. Press release and website newsfeed announcing Platinum Partner, with Company Bio
  2. Initial Consult/Presentation to the WTC Atlanta Board of Directors
  3. Interview of senior executive featured on WTC Atlanta website
  4. Featured speaking opportunity as a Corporate Partner at a designated WTCAtlanta Spotlight / Industry event
  5. Opportunity to host large in person event at their location and be presenting sponsor for that event
  6. Opportunity to host two online webinars annually
  7. Feature articles and reports for publication in newsletters
  8. Company advertisement emailed 4x annually to WTC Atlanta database
  9. Opportunity to participate as panel speaker at Annual World Trade DayConference
  10. Eight (8) Complimentary Tickets for Annual World Trade Day Conference,with complimentary center corporate table close to stage (when held in person)
  11. Eight (8) Complimentary Tickets to every WTC Atlanta Event
  12. Exclusive introductions to Global WTCA Network, Consular Corps,government economic agencies’ leadership, and business leaders
  13. Referral to potential clients and member to member introductions
  14. Provide industry specific resource referrals
  15. Provide access to digital trade tools.
  16. Recognition as a Platinum Partner at all WTC Atlanta events (24+ events)
  17. Listing in membership directory with logo, company description and main contact.
  18. 50% discount on event sponsorships
  19. Social Media shares, i.e., via LinkedIn WTC Atlanta company page and Twitter (coordinated with Marketing Committee)
  20. Large company logo on our website with hyperlink
  21. Company logo on all marketing materials with hyperlink
  22. Use of WTC Atlanta logo (Proud Partner of or in affiliation with World Trade Center Atlanta)


Ideal for companies looking to increase community participation, visibility and business development through access, introductions, executive round-table hostings, and multiple marketing channels.

Gold Partner Features

Ideal for companies looking to increase community participation, visibility and business growth through access, introductions, quarterly executive round- table hosting, and multiple marketing channels to increase business development reach.

  1. WTC Atlanta website newsfeed and database email announcing Gold Partner, with Company Bio
  2. Initial Consult/Presentation to the WTC Atlanta Board of Directors
  3. Interview of senior executive featured on WTC Atlanta website
  4. Hosting Partner for boardroom International Business Exchange Executive Roundtable at your office – 4x annually
  5. Opportunity to host one online webinar annually
  6. Featured speaking opportunity as a Corporate Partner at a designated WTC Atlanta Spotlight / Industry event
  7. Feature articles for publication in newsletters
  8. Company advertisement emailed 3x annually to WTC Atlanta database
  9. Six (6) Complimentary Tickets for Annual World Trade Day Conference, with 50% discount for inside corporate table (when held in person)
  10. Six (6) Complimentary Tickets to every WTC Atlanta Event
  11. Exclusive introductions to Global WTCA Network, Consular Corps, government economic agencies’ leadership, and WTC Atlanta members
  12. Provide access to digital trade tools.
  13. Recognition as a Gold Partner at all WTC Atlanta events (24+ events)
  14. Listing in membership directory with logo, company description and main contact.
  15. 25% discount on event sponsorships
  16. Social Media shares, i.e., via LinkedIn WTC Atlanta company page and Twitter (coordinated with Marketing Committee)
  17. Company logo on our website with hyperlink
  18. Company logo on all marketing materials with hyperlink
  19. Use of WTC Atlanta logo (Proud partner of or in affiliation with World Trade Center Atlanta)


Perfect for growth companies looking to increase exposure and expand marketing efforts into the international trade and business communities digitally, throughout the global network, and at World Trade Center Atlanta events year-round.

Silver Partner Features

Perfect for growth companies looking to increase exposure and expand marketing efforts into the international trade and business communities digitally, throughout the global network, and at World Trade Center Atlanta events occurring year-round.

  1. WTC Atlanta website newsfeed and database email announcing Silver Partner, with Company Bio
  2. Initial Consult/Presentation to the WTC Atlanta Board of Directors
  3. Interview of senior executive featured on WTC Atlanta website
  4. Opportunity to host two (2) online webinars annually
  5. Featured speaking opportunity as a Corporate Partner at a designated WTC Atlanta Spotlight event (non-WTD)
  6. Feature articles for publication in newsletters
  7. Company advertisement emailed 2x annually to WTC Atlanta database
  8. Four (4) Complimentary Tickets for Annual World Trade Day Conference,with 25% discount for perimeter corporate table (when held in person)
  9. Four (4) Complimentary Tickets to every WTC Atlanta Event
  10. Exclusive introductions to Global WTCA Network, Consular Corps, government economic agencies’ leadership, and WTC Atlanta members
  11. Provide access to digital trade tools.
  12. Recognition as a Silver Partner at all WTC Atlanta events (24+ events)
  13. Listing in membership directory with logo, company description and main contact.
  14. 15% discount on event sponsorships
  15. Social Media shares, i.e., via LinkedIn WTC Atlanta company page and Twitter (coordinated with Marketing Committee)
  16. Company logo on our website with hyperlink
  17. Company logo on all marketing materials with hyperlink
  18. Use of WTC Atlanta logo (Proud partner of or in affiliation with World Trade Center Atlanta)


Great for companies interested in testing the waters in the international trade and business community from a marketing spend perspective by increasing community exposure digitally, accessing international trade resources and leadership, World Trade Center affiliation recognition, and attending World Trade Center Atlanta events year-round.

Bronze Partner Features

Great for companies interested in testing the waters in the international trade and business community from a marketing spend perspective by increasing community exposure digitally, accessing international trade resources and leadership, World Trade Center affiliation recognition, and attending year- round World Trade Center events.

  1. WTC Atlanta website newsfeed and database email announcing Bronze Partner, with Company Bio
  2. Initial Consult/Presentation to the WTC Atlanta Board of Directors
  3. Opportunity to host one (1) online webinar annually
  4. Panel speaking opportunity at a designated WTC Atlanta Spotlight event (non-WTD), being recognized as a Bronze Corporate Partner
  5. Feature articles for publication in newsletters
  6. Company advertisement emailed 1x annually to WTC Atlanta database
  7. Two (2) Complimentary Tickets for Annual World Trade Day Conference, with 25% discount for back corporate table (when held in person)
  8. Two (2) Complimentary Tickets to every WTC Atlanta Event
  9. Exclusive introductions to Global WTCA Network, Consular Corps, government economic agencies’ leadership, and WTC Atlanta members
  10. Provide access to digital trade tools
  11. Recognition as a Bronze Partner at all WTC Atlanta events (24+ events)
  12. Listing in membership directory with logo, company description and main contact.
  13. 10% discount on event sponsorships
  14. Social Media shares, i.e., via LinkedIn WTC Atlanta company page and Twitter (coordinated with Marketing Committee)
  15. Company logo on our website with hyperlink
  16. Company logo on all marketing materials with hyperlink
  17. Use of WTC Atlanta logo (Proud partner of or in affiliation with World Trade Center Atlanta)

Corporate Partners